Admissions Application

Welcome to our Digital Application Form. This form is intended for parent/guardians who are applying to our school.

For the best user experience we recommend using your smart device in landscape or using a laptop/computer.

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Our Digital Application Form is completed in three distinct sections. Contacts, Pupils and Finish. Fields highlighted in Red are mandatory.

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Within the Contacts section, we require at least one contact, title, forename, surname, relationship (to the child), phone number and email address.

Once all the mandatory red fields have been completed, an additional button will appear at the bottom right of the form called "+Add Another Contact" if you wish further contacts wish to be added.

After one or more contacts have been added click next to enter the Pupils section.

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The Pupils section works very similarly to the Contacts.  Fields highlighted in red are mandatory and once all have been completed an option will appear in the bottom right of the form to "+Add another pupil" if you are applying for more than one pupil.

Once one or more Pupils have been added, click next to enter the Finish section.

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The Finish section offers a review of all information submitted as part of your application. At the bottom of the Finish section you can expand and review our Terms and Conditions as well as digitally sign the application.

Clicking Submit at the bottom left of the Application Form will complete the process.

You will receive two automated emails. The first thanking you for your application, the second informing you of your log in credentials. These credentials can be used to return to the Application Form and make changes at anytime should circumstances have changed and require updating.

Document Uploads

The following documents where applicable are required via the 'Parent/Guardian(s) Passport upload' or 'Previous School Reports' field within the Contacts and Pupils section
  • Parental identity (Passport, plus Biometric Residence Permit if applicable)
  • The last 2 School reports (we may request further reports if deemed necessary)

What to bring to campus

While applying, during your next in person visit to our campus we request that you bring

  • A physical picture per pupil
  • Physical ID of parent/guardian
  • The Student’s Birth Certificate and valid passport, plus proof of UKVI Immigration Status if non-UK/Irish citizen
  • Proof of home address (recent Council Tax bill, utility bill or bank statement)
  • If applicable, a Guardian Authorisation Letter detailing the name, contact details and address of the guardian with proof of identity and address from the list of accepted documents

If there are any notices (court orders or formal arrangements) pertaining to prospective student’s care or guardianship, we ask that parents and guardians make us aware of these at the outset of the Application Process.

Application Fee

There is an application fee of £85.00 per pupil for UK residents and £150.00 per pupil for non-UK residents which can be made online via bank transfer to: 

Fairview Beaconhurst Limited,
Sort code 09-02-22
Account 10916603

Please add your contact email address as a reference for payment.

Need an extra helping hand?

If you require any assistance with your application please feel free to contact us via or by calling the school on +44 1786 231952